Inside Scoop on Safe Holiday Cooking

During the holiday season (or any time for that matter), it’s important to know the best methods to keep your diners as safe as possible. The Inside Scoop on Safe Holiday Cooking is geared toward the four cores of safe food handling, tailored specifically for holiday cooking. Objectives: Understand why food safety is especially …
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CEU credit available for ALF Administrators, Certified Dining Managers (CDM), Registered Dietitians (RD) and Dietetic Technicians, Registered (DTR)
During the holiday season (or any time for that matter), it’s important to know the best methods to keep your diners as safe as possible. The Inside Scoop on Safe Holiday Cooking is geared toward the four cores of safe food handling, tailored specifically for holiday cooking.
- Understand why food safety is especially important in health care communities during the holiday season
- State four (4) core objectives of food safety.
- List the proper time and temperatures for cooking, holding and storing turkey.
To access this training module, you must purchase
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