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Category Archives: Menus

7 Useful Tips to Get Your Long-Term Care Community Ready for Hurricane Season

Date published: April 30, 2024
Author: Gail Douglas

Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you … Read More »

How to Tailor Senior Meal Program Menus to Your Residents’ Preferences and Ethnic Backgrounds

Date published: April 4, 2024
Author: Gail Douglas

Honoring the ethnic and cultural diversity in your nursing home … Read More »

The Number One Thing People Look for When Selecting a Nursing Home

Date published: March 20, 2024
Author: Diane Hall

When you Google what to look for when selecting a … Read More »

3-Day Emergency Menu for ALFs and Nursing Homes

Date published: March 20, 2024
Author: BSN Marketing

Imagine not having an emergency menu and figuring out how … Read More »