If there is one thing that contributes more to the quality of life for those living in long term care, it’s the meals. Serving nutritious food safely with an eye toward hospitality is not only a goal for resident satisfaction, it is a requirement. We have created this page to help you identify any problem areas in your room service and to ensure that you comply with the Agency of Health Care Administration (AHCA) guidelines.
Room Service Audit: A documentation tool used to observe three rooms for an entire meal service. Your goal is to see if proper infection control and person-directed dining procedures are being correctly employed. Help correct any negative results on audit items designated with a numbered asterisk by using the following corresponding documents.
- 1 Tips to Lessen Your Risk of Choking – A useful tip sheet for minimizing the risks of residents choking.
- 2 Serving Food Safely – Tips for eliminating food-borne illness, controlling infection and choking, enhancing independence and reducing accidents such as spills.
- 3 Dining Preferences – An indispensable tool for identifying the foods and beverages that residents prefer, where they want to eat and at what times.
- 4 Assistive Device Training – A short course on how to correctly use assistive devices.
- 5 Handwashing Poster – A reminder to staff members on how to properly wash their hands.
- 6 Resident Dining Satisfaction Survey – A documentation tool to measure people’s satisfaction with your dining services.
CMS Infection Control Guidance – This survey tool must be used to investigate compliance at F880 and determine whether the facility is implementing proper infection prevention
and control practices to prevent the development and transmission of COVID-19 and other communicable diseases and infections.
Other Useful Resources
FWE Portable hand sink for remote serving locations
Waiving 3 day hospitalization stay and dealing with ‘daunting dining demands.’
Fight Bac Webinar for washing hands
Center for Disease Control (CDC) Cleaning and disinfecting households for COVID-19
Swapping of food items when you run out
Menu substitution Guide and Chart
Serving Covid 19 Infected Person
Partnership in Food Safety Delivery and Take out
ANFP 10 Tips to maintain successful dining practices during Covid
SDA Webinar Creative Delivery Experiences
Contact national, state, and local associations for additional information.